
These amazing people have been given roles in leadership to help guide, direct, and serve our church family.

Elders work with the Lead Pastor and ministry staff to oversee the church and form vision for the future.

Trustees also partner with the Elders but primarily oversee the finances and facility needs of the church.

Diaconate (Deacons & Deaconesses)
The Diaconate serves the body in many ways, including: communion, communion to shut-ins,  acts of service, handling benevolence requests, and more.

Our 2023-24 Diaconate:  Ron Baker, Doug Jeunnette, Joan Jeunnette, Dennis Koch, Keith McHenry, Mike Platt, Georgann Richardson, Diane Steele, Doug Wetzel (Chairman), and Michael White.

Looking for Assistance?

Learn more about the types of assistance we offer for members and regular attenders of Trinity.